What is GradeHub?

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Do you need to calculate your University or College grades?
Start tracking your grades in minutes with GradeHub, our easy to use calculator! We help you calculate your average, predict your final grades and compare your grades with fellow students. With our Messenger you can chat to students in real time across all your modules and courses, helping you discover which modules you should take next year.
352 Active Universities
GradeHub is a great tool to help you at University or College. With our weighted average calculator you can keep track of your grades and calculate your average so far based on the exams and coursework for each of your modules. Get started by entering your marks and credits for each of your courses or modules. GradeHub will then predict your degree classification.
Given the marks you have already entered, GradeHub will predict what you need to get in your remaining modules to achieve your degree classification. Visit the calculator regularly to put your mind at rest and to make sure you are staying on track for your degree.
Each University calculates their degree classification differently, so we chose to offer an easy way to calculate weighted averages without having to know much about each university’s marking policy.

How are the Averages calculated?

The best way to show how we calculate your degree average is with an example. Lets say you are a 3rd year Archaeology student at the University of Edinburgh. You have finished the modules Fossil Studies and Large Bones, with the module Reptiles still remaining.
- Fossil Studies is worth 10 credits and has an exam worth 100% of the module. You scored 75% in the Exam.

- Large Bones is worth 20 credits, has an exam worth 50% and has a coursework worth 50%. You scored 80% in the exam and 70% in the coursework.

- Reptiles is worth 10 credits and has an exam worth 100% of the module. You have not yet complete this exam.
This is how we calculate your average score on the modules you have completed so far...
`((10 x (75%)) + (20 x ((75% x 50%) + (70% x 50%)))) / (10 + 20) = 75%`
If you want to get 70% overall in your 3rd year then the score you need in you final exam can be calculated as follows...
Where `R` is the Reptiles exam score...
`((10 x (75%)) + (20 x ((75% x 50%) + (70% x 50%)))) + (10 x (R)) / (10 + 20 + 10) = 70%``((40 x 70%) - (30 x 75%)) / 10 = 55%`
And if you want 60% overall then you can calculate it like this...
`((40 x 60%) - (30 x 75%)) / 10 = 15%`
Of course GradeHub will calculate this for you! Here is how it looks once you have entered your grades so far...
60% Average
Neural Networks
20 credits
Database Systems
10 credits
Quantum Computing
10 credits

Compare your Grades with other students

GradeHub shows you statistics for every other student on your course, helping you to choose your modules for next year. This includes the average scores of other students, a graph showing a distribution of those scores in each of the grading brackets and their average marks for each exam or coursework.
We have the most complete dataset in the world for selecting your courses for the next semester, giving you real insights into the courses or modules from the previous year and helping you choose modules for the next semester. Along with the averages and score distributions, students will review each module, giving feedback on how much they enjoyed the module and whether they would recommend you choose it for your degree.

How to find your degree classification

Most Universities use similar terminology for categorising your final degree classification. Once you have calculated your weighted average, you can find you degree classification within the following ranges:
- 100%-70%: First Class Honours ("1st")

- 60%-69%: Second Class Honours, Upped Division ("2.1")

- 50%-59%: Second Class Honours, Lower Division ("2.2")

- 40%-49%: Third Class Honours ("3rd")

- 30%-39%: Pass (without honours)

- 29%-0%: Fail
For Undergraduate degrees, First class honours can also be referred to as a distinction. In the UK, 20% of undergraduates get a 1st, 51% get a 2.1, and 24% get a 2.2
When it comes to postgraduate masters degrees, they have fewer ranges:
- 100%-70%: Distinction

- 60%-69%: Merit

- 50%-59%: Pass

- 0%-49%: Fail

Start Tracking your Grades